Monika „Tośka” – Interesuje
sie muzyką, tańcem, fotografią. No i oczywiście moooodą. Uśmiechem wita każdego
napotkanego człowieka. Świr nad świrami!
Kasia „Kaśka” – No
szaleństwo! Zdolna bestia tańczy, fotografuję, UBIERA! Nie udaje kogoś kim nie
jest! Przyjazna, koleżeńska, szalonaaa na maksa!
Dobra koniec tych
słodkości! Podzieliłyśmy naszego bloga na kilka części:
Moda, Porada, Pomysł, Konkurs.
Moda, Porada, Pomysł, Konkurs.
Kaśka zrobi nam ubrania
a’la kosmos! (wiecie o co chodzi) i nie tylko.
Wchodźcie na naszego bloga
i systematycznie czytajcie, oglądajcie, podziwiajcie ;) posty.
(Jeśli chcecie wiedzieć
więcej piszecie w komentarzach ;))
“Your look is important”
Kaśka & Tośka
Monika "Tośka" - she's intersted in music, dance, and photography. And fashion, of corse.
She welcomes every encountered person with smile on her face. Freak of freaks!
Kasia "Kaśka"-Madness! She's very capable. She dances, photographs, and DRESSES! She doesn't go someone who isn't.She's friendly, and very craaaaazy!
The end of the sweets! We divided our blog on several parts:
Fashion, advice, idea, competition.
Kaśka makes us galaxy clothes (You know what I mean).
Come in to our blog and systematically read, watch and admire posts ;)
(If you want to know something more write comment ;))
"Your look is important"
Monika "Tośka" - she's intersted in music, dance, and photography. And fashion, of corse.
She welcomes every encountered person with smile on her face. Freak of freaks!
Kasia "Kaśka"-Madness! She's very capable. She dances, photographs, and DRESSES! She doesn't go someone who isn't.She's friendly, and very craaaaazy!
The end of the sweets! We divided our blog on several parts:
Fashion, advice, idea, competition.
Kaśka makes us galaxy clothes (You know what I mean).
Come in to our blog and systematically read, watch and admire posts ;)
(If you want to know something more write comment ;))
"Your look is important"
Kaśka & Tośka
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